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DC Resources is one of the largest producers and suppliers of granite aggregates in Northern Europe, providing a complete range of materials for concrete, reinforced concrete, road, bridges, rail and hydraulic structures, delivering up to 1.3 million tonnes of inert building materials to customers in the Baltics.

According to European standards we supply:

EN 12620 - aggregates for the production of concrete,
EN 13043 - aggregates for bituminous mixtures and surface treatment of roads, airfields and other traffic areas,
EN 13242 - aggregates for unbound and hydraulically bound mixtures for construction and road construction,
EN 13383 - stones of various sizes for hydraulic structures,
EN 13450 - railway ballast aggregates.

Each quarry from DC Resources has its own benefits. The material produced in the Seljestokken quarry has a high resistance to crushing material for asphalt and railway ballast, the Eikefet and Halsvik quarries produce asphalt and concrete minerals and stones for hydrotechnical structures.

Approved stock reserves in quarries include:

Seljestokken quarry over 150 million tons
Eikefet quarry over 200 million tons
Eidsnes quarry above 10 million tons
Halsvik quarry over 180 million tons
Kvalsund quarry above 500 million tons.